Paul Cooley's Vanguard
Paul Cooley says: After my first long ride on the Duplex, I realised how nice it would be to have a Vanguard, and about the same time, Steve put his up for sale. I met him in Trinidad, CO -- about halfway between our two cities -- and took delivery of it last night. It is definitely of an older vintage than the Duplex.
The bike is set up for commuting, so is rather pictured I have added 6 pounds to Dick Ryans 31-pound bike: fenders, bar-end handle bars (beside the legs instead of completely under the seat), lots of reflectors, tube sealant, rack, mirror, pump. A normal ride adds the pack with spare tubes and toolsabout 40 pounds altogether.
Webmaster Paul says: This is a really clean looking bike built in 1991. I notice several interesting differences between this bike and mine from 1996. My kickstand mounts on the rear wheelstays. My bike has a chain idler. The seat angle on this model is adjusted via a line of holes drilled into a rail on the upper wheelstay. In later models, the rod length was made to be adjustable instead. |
Steve says: Detail on handlebar pivot I added after converting from Ryans handlebar to a bar-end setup using parts from Kelvin Clark at Angletech. The single vertical bolt coming out of the aluminum block in the frame channel was not strong enough for the extra leverage of wider handlebars with long bar ends. This little brace made the pivot steady and strong. Not of any value to others unless someone else created the same problem for themselves!Webmaster Paul says: The seat horn is looking very prominent on this bike. I believe its size was reduced over the years. Steve might consider moving the bar ends inboard a bit (which can reduce wind resistance considerably) and checking into shorter bar ends which will let him have his hands on the shifter and the brake at the same time (Steve has written to say he uses the long bar ends to give him a variety of grip positions). |
Webmaster Paul says: Here is a part of the Vanguard that got quite a bit simpler as time went on. From this complex bracket with many bolts and drilled holes, Ryan eventually got it down to a rail with two quick-release type levers with which to adjust the seat. Soon, I'll post some pictures of my bracket for comparison. You can see what Dick was talking about in our interview when he discusses the complexity of machining required to build these bikes. |
Webmaster Paul says: You are welcome, Steve, and thanks for the pictures! You have had a great bike. Why'd you sell it?? :)
Steve says: I enjoy this bike with 1 to 3 rides every week. 'Tis nice! Thank you, Bob and Paul, for taking the initiative to put together a fine web site, The Ryan Owners Club. I am more respectful and appreciative of what I have! Actually, you saved me money - after reading just about everything you have available, I quit lusting for a faster sport bike. Instead, I now enjoy the fine bike I already have for what it isa fine, comfortable, classic, work of art! |