Scrapbook Index
Mike Claus's Vanguard
Roger Pierce's Avatar 2000
David Harris' Vanguard
Len Vreeland's Avatar 2000 and his cross-continental record attempt!
Tony Yerex with two Gulfstreams. One a jet, one a bike!
Tim & Abbe Jester's Vanguards
Avatar / Fomac Photos
Vanguard Photos
Duplex Photos
Paul Cooley's Vanguard
Photos from Ron and Sandy Friedel
Photos from Bill Ramsey
Photo of Andrew Carson's Above-Seat-Steering Duplex frame
Dan Yohman's Vanguard
Tom Armstrong's Vanguard
Len Chapman's Gulfstream
Steve Watkins' Vanguard
Tom Rose's Vanguard
Leo Kodl's Duplex
Robert Mayer's Vanguard
Paul says, "This is one of the business cards that Dick Ryan sent to me in 1998 or so. I carried cards and brochures in my Vanguard to give to interested people I met on my rides."
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