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Recumbent Cyclist News

'BentRider Online

Angletech (Kelvin tells us that Angletech's new Aerotrunk will fit just fine on the Vanguard/Duplex seats. Write us if you bought one for your Ryan)

Longbikes (with bicycle designs based on our favorite Ryan recumbents, they may have parts that can help you)

Wheel & Sprocket's Recumbent Site (every recumbent enthusiast should be so lucky as the folks in Hales Corners, WI)

WolverBents (a Michigan-based, loosely-organized recumbent group led by our own Bob Krzewinski)

MHPVA (The Michigan Human-Powered Vehicle Association. Bob and Paul met at one of this group's recumbent rallies)

WISIL HPVers (Wisconsin-Illinois Human Powered Vehicle group. A great group of people)

Get Bent - coast to coast by recumbent bicycle (a great story of a ride across the US on a Vanguard)

United States Patent #4,283,070 (The Avatar 2000 patent!)

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